Wednesday, 14 December 2016

2016.12.14 - Class 9

Regrouping after the long weekend

I asked you about the kind of contact you had over the long weekend and you discussed this in small groups, also thinking ahead to the winter holidays, when you'll have another long break but should not let up on your contact with English.

Vocabulary/pronunciation, Use of English and more

Among other things, we reviewed some vocabulary from Unit 2 (pp.21-24) using letters and a phonemic chart.

We also did the Use of English exercises (on part 2) on p.28 and practice for Speaking part 2 on p.27.

Preparation for The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Over the next couple of classes, we are going to watch an American film from 2012 called The Perks of Being a Wallflower. To begin, I gave you a handout with:
  • information about the film
  • an introduction to the story
  • an explanation of the title
  • teasers about two scenes in the first half that help understand the story 


  • Write a short text (approx 100 words, or more is OK) about the film. You can either 
    • 1) write a reaction to the film, that is, describe what you thought about something you saw in it or 
    • 2) write a summary of what happened in the part we saw in class today.
  • p.32 in your book (Vocab and Grammar Review)

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