Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Quizlet and Dictionaries for vocabulary

Vocabulary is extremely important for the First Certificate. You need to know a lot of basic words and also their most frequent collocations, i.e. words that go with them.

For example, why do we say 'a tall woman' but 'a high mountain' (both 'tall' and 'high' are 'alto/a' in Spanish, right?)? The reason is that 'tall' collocates with people, whereas 'high' does not. Why? That's just the way it is - it's how people speak.

Here are a few fundamental resources that we will be using and which I encourage you to explore.

1. Dictionaries

Cambridge Dictionaries Online - best for looking up phrases and expressions. Also has Spanish definitions.
WordReference - has more phrases and expressions, but they are more difficult to find

2. Flashcards, etc.

quizlet.com which also has a free app, is great for studying vocabulary. There are loads of sets already online and you can also create your own lists. We will be using quizlet, so please install the app on your phone.

The link to our classroom (2016-17: Casp FCE1) is: https://quizlet.com/class/3450786/

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